Harness the power of your menstrual cycle to power up your fitness program!
Throughout the menstrual cycle, the levels of the two main female endogenous hormones, estrogen and progesterone, fluctuate. Estrogen is responsible for various functions within the female body. Specifically related to exercise, it has anabolic effects on skeletal muscle, enhances substrate metabolism by increasing glycogen uptake and storage, and possesses antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties that protect against exercise-induced muscle damage and reduce inflammatory responses. Additionally, estrogen has neuroexcitatory effects, which reduce inhibition and increase voluntary activation. Overall, estrogen can significantly influence muscular performance and exercise intensity. In contrast, progesterone acts in opposition to estrogen.
Grab a copy of this guide to learn what, when and how to workout around your monthly cycle.
To learn more about why the type, timing and intensity of exercise (ie: what workouts you do) matters pick up your own copy of this incredible eBook.
This product includes 4 weeks of suggested workouts broken down by day and specific exercises.
Menstrual Cycle Fitness
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